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Welcome Back Y'all!

Happy Monday! We hope you are enjoying these weekly updates. We hope they help get your day off on the right foot and put a smile on your face as we dive into the new week.

Thanks to everyone who has joined us over on Twitter! Y'all helped us reach our goal of hitting 3,000 followers. We appreciate it!


Facebook Group Milestone

Our Facebook Group Just Passed 10,000 Members!

Thanks to everyone who participates in our Facebook Group: RV In Texas! As of yesterday, our little group has grown to over 10,000 members. Wow! If you enjoy interacting in Facebook Groups, we invite you to join. It's full of awesome folks sharing their park experiences and RVing tips.

Our Most Recent Travel Video

Checking Off Boxes Vlog Video

Getting Things Done | Full Time RV Life Vlog

This week, we take you along as we change campgrounds several times and take care of a variety things that we needed to get done. It's a different look at life on the road as a full time RVer.

Our Most Recent Virtual Rally

Friday Night LIVE!

Video Replay: Facebook Friday LIVE! 9/11/2020

We are really excited to be back to our weekly Friday Live Videos! We always have a great time and the hour just flies by! Thanks to everyone who joined in on the fun this past Friday.

In this episode, We shared our scare when we couldn't find Astro for several hours. Alls well that ends well, but we learned a ton in one afternoon! We also answered another Posse Member's question about trip planning fatigue.

If you missed this past Friday's Live Video, You Can Watch It Here! Make sure to Like and Follow Our Facebook Page to see upcoming live video notifications!


RV and Outdoor News

Texas Parks and Wildlife Awarded $20M Settlement for Bastrop State Park Restoration

10 Year Old Texan Wins International Environmental Award

Good Sam Replacing Trailer Life and Motorhome Magazines

Save Our Dark Skies

Grand Design Launching New Momentum Travel Trailer

Texas History Teacher Hosts Virtual Lessons While On Historical Road Trip

Hyundai Rolls Out Its First RV

Concept RV With a Helipad??

7 National Parks You Can Explore Via Amtrak

Alaskan Artist Reproduces Classic National Park Posters to Raise Money For the Parks

Airsteam Moves Away From Wood Floors

New on

RV Service Tips

How To Find Good RV Service | Wingin' It!, Ep 64

Today we're Wingin' It! about one of the most talked about topics in the RV community: RV Service! Do you have to take your RV back to the dealership where you bought it for service? What are your options for getting your RV serviced? How do you find the service and repair shops? That's the topic of this week's Wingin' It!... [Watch the Video and Read the Full Post!]

Berkey Product Review

Update on Our Travel Berkey Product Review

We bought our Travel Berkey a few months after we began our full-time RV adventure. This water purification system is designed to ensure that we always have consistent, odor-free, water to drink and cook with. So what have we learned about it in the past year and a half? Would we buy it again? We've just updated our original product review on our experience with our Berkey Water Purification System... [Watch the Video and Read the Full Post!]

Other Travel Blogs/Vlogs To Check Out

For more travel inspiration and ideas on places to visit, this is where we feature other travel blogs and vlogs that we are enjoying.

Cinders Travels

14 of the Best RV Parks in North America According to 9 Lady RVers |

Cindy Scott is a full-time RVer from Michigan. She and her husband travel in a fifth wheel. Like us, they became full-timers in 2018. Cindy recently asked for RV park recommendations from other women RVers across North America, and included Stacie's recommendations in this blog post on her website. She built a nice list! We definitely plan to visit several of these parks during our travels ... [See All of the Recommendations]

Thanks For Joining Us!

Remember, if you've missed any issues of our Newsletter, you can find them all in our Newsletter Archives.

Until Next Time, Y'all! Safe Travels and Happy Camping!